07742 942 651
Conferences, Workshops, Seminars
What's most important to you?
Your answer to this question is what's most important to me.
It's a question I ask regularly throughout the time I work with you. I like to remind myself of your response because things can change and I'll adjust my work to your on-going needs.
I can speak about any aspect of my work including:
The School Building-School Staff Wellbeing Connection
Healing Walls - the Forgotten Caregiver
Workplace Wellplace? The Factored-out Aspect of Workforce Wellbeing
However, what I like do is find out what's most important to you and your organisation and tailor my contribution to your event around that.
Pitched well with plenty of theory and practical examples.
Debbie Judd, Northumberland County Council.
Enlightening and great, easy-going delivery.
Tony Cawson,Transmit.
Very, very interesting. Authoritative and helpful.
Andy Collins, ACPR.
If my approach to speaking sounds interesting to you, please get in touch 07742 942 651. I'll be happy to chat to you.