07742 942 651

A complete staff wellbeing framework, scalable and tailorable to your organisation.

How the Staff Wellbeing Framework Model could help your organisation:
meets Ofsted and CCC criteria for consistent staff engagement, safeguarding and duty of care
fast, easy and reasonable to implement
incorporates all your past, current and future staff wellbeing initiatives into a single structured framework
step-by-step templates using our unique Staff Wellbeing Handbook
builds on over 15 years' of evidenced research
develops workplace trust based on your organisational values
reaches, represents and involves your entire staff
evidences growth of individual CPD in ownership, distributed leadership and reflective practice
helps people step off the sleep-work-sleep fatigue loop
creates a coordinated staff voice for staff wellbeing
begins a wellbeing culture shift
Make an immediate, effective and sustainable difference to staff engagement in your organisation.
Business Support
Up to 40% funding towards the cost of implementing the Staff Wellbeing Framework Model and/or other JCA Consult Ltd services focusing on staff wellbeing and engagement, and retention (including coaching and mentoring) may be available to eligible organisations as JCA Consult is a registered Provider for NBSL’s North East Business Support Fund helping businesses to improve their competitiveness.
For further information and to complete the 15 minute application form:
Durham: https://nbsl.org.uk/nebsf/county-durham/grants
Northumberland and Tyne and Wear: https://nbsl.org.uk/nebsf-5-application
Click here for a Staff Wellbeing Framework for Business flyer
School Support
Click here for a Staff Wellbeing Framework for Schools flyer.
Get in touch to find out more on 07742 942651 or info@jcaconsult.co.uk #staffwellbeingframework
Staff Wellbeing - help where you need it most
Jane believes in strategic wellbeing as a performance enabler for everyone, large and small. Her work changes people for the better.
Dr Petia Sice, Reader in Complexity and Organisation.
Overwhelmed, overtired and over-targeted? If you're reading this and nodding you're not alone.
Perhaps you're looking for someone to help you sort this out, someone who 'gets it', quickly and effectively. Someone who understands that stressed staff lead to stressed leaders, which leads to stressed staff and so on.
We can help. Using Place Affected Organisational Change (PAOC) methodology we invite people to become involved and engaged in their own change through the strategic investigation and recreation of their organisation's values and purpose, embodied spaces and behaviour expectations.
In short, we have developed a unique intervention tool The Staff Wellbeing Framework Handbook, an evidenced, no nonsense guide to implementing consistantly engaging staff wellbeing in schools where wellbeing matters now and going forward.
It's a means of helping people to take ownership of their own personal-professional wellbeing development within the wider context of organisational cultural reform. Our work is tailored to reach and engage your entire staff, separate groups or individuals - and in the case of schools and health services, to meet Ofsted and CCC criteria for staff safeguarding too.
Please contact us for a chat. We're experienced, we're respected, we've been where you are and we can help.
Click here to read more About Us